So my favorite new skool rap duo The Cool Kids came out with the first official album, not counting the EP album "The Bake Sale", called "When Fish Ride Bicycles" on July 12, 2011. The album is definitely what I anticipated, wanted, and expected. I was just blown away by the production value of Chuck Inglish and also a few tracks The Neptunes produced. The album is #Dope as F*** lol. Most of the tracks here come with gooey Zapp-sounding keyboards, a slick melodic sound that gives their tracks an extra dimension. It's a sound that works for them in small doses, but when they go back to it a bit too often, the trick robs their simple, affectless sound of some of its power. Melody and warmth aren't Chuck Inglish's strong suits; he sounds best when he's stripped his tracks back to their barest elements, as he did on "The Bake Sale". These dudes have been working on their craft for a while since 2005 when they met on Myspace (people still use it to this day). To this day my favorite mixtape by them is "Gone Fishing".
The Album is #Dope again and I give it 3.5/5 only because of that disgusting giant Mountain Dew logo (because thats their record label Green Label Sound).
Download the Album HERE

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